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The Hardest, Most Rewarding Thing I've Done in the NFL

Sarah Biegel

Becoming a Mom in the NFL has been the hardest, most rewarding thing I've ever done.

I found out I was pregnant while we were in Green Bay during training camp.

I was having some issues, so I went to see a doctor to do some tests.

The night before a preseason game my doctor called me and said "Hey, you're bloodwork is good but you're actually pregnant."

Vince was standing just feet away from me and I cannot believe I kept my mouth shut! But somehow I did. I didn't want to distract him before a game! But I was dying inside. And if you're thinking "how could you keep that from him?" then you need to understand this simple rule: don't tell the guys anything important before a game. Tell them after. Always after.

How I told Vince we were having a baby.

When we found out we would not be having this precious little baby in Green Bay, I sobbed. Vince was living out his dream, we were close to family and now we'd be living thousands of miles away and I'd have to face this next step on my own. I was afraid.

Because we lived so close to family, this was something I wasn't familiar with like the other women on the team. I had looked up to them, but never truly understood what it would be like to have a child so far away from home until now.

Fast forward 9 months and I found myself going in for a regular check up with my doctor in downtown New Orleans. She looked at me and said, "you're having this baby today." My mouth dropped in shock and as I looked to Vince, he shared the same reaction. I was a couple weeks early, his Mom hadn't gotten into town yet and I wasn't ready. But, God had other plans.

So, I had my first baby in New Orleans without one family member close by. I'm chuckling to myself typing this as I look back. Vince and I had no idea what we had just gotten into. But you know what? It was an incredible bonding experience for he and I. It's something that's made us stronger as a couple. That was rewarding.

But, that wasn't even the hardest part.

The hardest part, truly, has been raising my daughter away from family and friends. Missing that time to make connections with cousins and aunts and friends. At first, I tried as hard as I could to find opportunities to see people, flying across the country, endless car rides. But I was burning myself out.

As she's gotten older, it's gotten easier. I've gotten used to being away and my daughter knows nothing different.

But you know what really changed my mindset?

I started looking at myself as my daughter's parent.

Sounds funny, right?

But seriously. I learned that I can't burn myself out to please others when at the end of the day, I need to be my daughter's Mom. She needs the best of me, not the rest of me. So I put my focus on that and the distance has become easier with time.

As an immediate family, my husband, daughter and I have become really strong. When you only have each other to rely on, it truly brings you closer.

I get asked all the time if it's hard to raise a baby away from family. The answer is yes, it's been hard. Missing family holidays, get togethers, birthday parties, someone to call up so I can run to the grocery store alone. But with that said, it's been extremely rewarding. We've created a strong, special bond as a family unit, made endless memories together and have had opportunities to learn about one another that we wouldn't have had otherwise.

Personally, I've become stronger, more resilient and have relied on the Lord to get me through, which has strengthened my testimony with Him.

I hope my daughter can look back at photos of us at football games and this unique time in our lives and know she can do anything. No matter how hard it is. She can do it all.

So if you're a new mama in the NFL, or mama-ing away from family, know you're not alone. Raising babies away from those you love is not for the faint of heart. But it will only make you stronger, I can promise you that.

Sarah B.

Born and raised in Milwaukee, WI, Sarah and her family currently reside in Florida while her husband pursues his NFL career. Her two daughters keep her and her husband on their toes at all times. Due to their many adventures and moves, Sarah has become a professional toddler wrangler and traveller. She enjoys baking recipes with her daughter that have been handed down to her from prior generations.

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Sarah Biegel