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2 Weeks Into Training Camp And Here's What I Got

Sarah Biegel

It's about two weeks into NFL training camp and here are some quick thoughts.

  1. Reading a devotional or some form of bible study is a game changer. I'm reading this one and it's been the best way to stay in tune with the Spirit and feel God's hand in my life during this time.
  2. Worries come and go, but "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" (Luke 12:25). And that's all I've had to remind myself over and over again.
  3. These moments are moments we've prayed for and I'm truly enjoy every single moment with my family.
  4. This portable fan has been my saving grace during toasty, humid training camp practices.
  5. Wanting to dress up a toddler in football gear is a dangerous hobby on the bank account. (Kidding, kind of).

And that's what I've got so far!

Sarah B.

Born and raised in Milwaukee, WI, Sarah and her family currently reside in Florida while her husband pursues his NFL career. Her two daughters keep her and her husband on their toes at all times. Due to their many adventures and moves, Sarah has become a professional toddler wrangler and traveller. She enjoys baking recipes with her daughter that have been handed down to her from prior generations.

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Sarah Biegel